Share Your Journey

Share Your Journey with Us:  We would love to hear about your journey! Your path through life is unique and to be duplicated by no one. Yet, at times, we each have a similar experience. This part of our website gives you an opportunity to send us a few sentences or a few paragraphs about either a high or low in your life that enabled you to see the importance of trusting your journey. Just think-- by sharing your story you might just help someone else make a difference in her own life. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

There are 3 ways you can share your story with us:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Send us an email
  3. Upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, or Google Drive and share the link with us below.

If we select your story for our TYJ Blog or post your video on our TYJ You Tube site we will send you a Trust Your Journey® gift.